Saturday, November 10, 2007

Three going on 13

Can you make her stop growing? Please someone. Do you have the answer?
At moments I just want to run into a closet, scream at the top of my lungs in the primal scream of frustration until my head explodes. And then I remember she's two. She is only two.
There are moments when I just can't believe she is crawling, walking, running, talking, talking back...
I have to stop myself at times because for a moment she seems like a four or five-year-old. Must come from having a big brother and wanting to keep up with him. They are both so bright. (BEAMING MAMA MOMENT)
Always I want to hug on her and protect her and love her.
Maddie turns 3 in t-minus 2 days.
Heaven help me! I am not sure I will survive. She is already kicking my butt. (Susan - you are right. Girls and boys are TOTALLY different).
I took her out today to do her 3-year-old portraits. I guess there is something good about having a photographer for a mother. Not one sneeze or major event will not be documented.
I believe we went through all the emotions in an hour. Happy, frustration, sad and thankfulness when it was all over. :) (Happy was getting the lollipop).
I told my other half, "Look at these! (The photos of Maddie on the computer). Is it too late to lock her up?".
BOYS - here is fair warning. STAY AWAY!
Happy pre-birthday Madison Marie...

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